March 24, 2016 Execu-Nannies

Message to our candidates

We give you, our candidates, the promise to understand your needs, your skills and to present you to families where you feel safe, valued, respected, have fun and really feel you are making a contribution. Where respect exists, everything good is possible!

We expect a lot of you. You represent not only Execu-Nannies, but your profession as well as your culture. If we choose you, we know you will uphold all responsibilities to the best of your ability. Be proud of what you do as you affect little lives in such a profound way. You support the overall health of the family unit and our families could not do this as well as they do without your caring ways and hard work.

We hope you are a career nanny or caregiver, but if not, we trust that you will make every effort to deliver the highest work ethic you can. You do this because it’s part of who you are. It reflects how your parents raised you and you make them proud.

We know that you believe in education. Children learn so many things through simple play. Make those opportunities available to them. The most professional caregivers address the total child or elder they are looking after, enhancing their development and quality of life. Don’t take the easy route; go beyond expectations.

You have such power and you may not realize it. Your little charges learn so much from you. They soak every word up and they often want to be just like you. Always be very careful to make sure you are showing the best examples. Treat them like family and you will reap the rewards for a lifetime.

Always govern yourself with the highest integrity with regard to communication and problem solving. Don’t be shy to bring a problem to your employer’s attention, but do it with class and have some solutions to present at the same time. If you do something that isn’t so good, own up to it and you will see that you will be rewarded for your honesty and straightforward ways. Know what to shield from the children and what is for your employer’s ears only.

We have chosen you as a special candidate, for special employers. You will soon come together with a great fit with one of our clients who see your wonderful qualities. We ask our clients to share their goals, duties and experiences with you. We want you to succeed. They will prepare a job description for you so you will understand what is expected of you specifically.
This will help you succeed! We are always here to help you.

Get in touch with us!

Contact us today to get started on finding the perfect job or the best care solution for your family! We welcome any and all inquiries.