March 24, 2016 Execu-Nannies

Message to our clients

We listen to our clients. We know that some of you have had less than acceptable experiences with agencies. We want you to know that we will never be one of those agencies simply because, we care. We also put great work into knowing who we are recommending to you. We strive to understand the environment that our applicants will be working in. We understand the working style of parents and just what is expected of them in terms of decision making and taking initiative to get the job done to your satisfaction. We see ourselves as an extension of you!

ASSESSMENT and “Early Childhood Education” 
Our mandate has always been and continues to be assessment. This assessment takes time and effort, incredible listening skills and then processing of this valuable information to the file. This information is utilized to promote the right decisions with respect to “FIT.”

The human element is always a consideration ultimately for the success of each placement and the comfort of all parties in the relationship, especially the children. Early Childhood Education principles simply must be part of the equation here!

Execu-Nannies works swiftly because we are prepared. Candidates have already been interviewed, reference checked and fully acquainted with us, and us with them. Ask someone who has dealt with us and they will tell you. Files were identified and presented often within a few hours, certainly by the next day.

The goal is always The Right Fit. It leads to long work terms, close relationships and happy employers and applicants. It’s more than just putting someone into a job. These relationships often form life long relationships, which we are proud to have facilitated. It takes years of experience and special instincts to know who will be successful where.

THE COMPEITION – It’s buyer beware 
Much of the competition behave as “head hunters” with their commissioned consultants. The clear goal is making placements, not necessarily the right ones. These placements are often made with lightning speed, without proper due-diligence. New and unsuspecting employers may not know the difference initially. Their assessment is based on a one page application which is the basis for sending this candidate right from the office directly to three or four interviews. When are the references checked, we wonder!

Be very careful before using these types of services, as they are virtually a website for listing resumes. There are no references checked. Candidates who cannot get jobs elsewhere, or have a revolving door of employers, often search this way. These candidates often select their “good jobs” to tell you about and leave off their less than successful situations.

We hope that you see we take pride in every placement we make. We promise to show you our favourite applicants and to be able to tell you why we like them so much. We try to find out what’s special about your family so we can enthusiastically promote you on a personal level. Many of our applicants have been placed before, so they know and trust us. Most come to us as a direct result of a friend or relative who knows us. Our reputation with our applicants is an important feature of why we attract so many wonderful nannies and caregivers for you.

To service your needs, we have someone in our office Monday to Thursday, until 9pm, as well as most Saturdays from 10am – 5pm. We are also open during the week from 9am. This is for your convenience and to make it easy to reach us. We are even available online during the day for your quick instruction and requests.

Get in touch with us!

Contact us today to get started on finding the perfect job or the best care solution for your family! We welcome any and all inquiries.